Emergency Housing Assistance Available to City of New London families

Always Home is grateful to the City of New London for a generous grant that will provide emergency housing assistance to New London families impacted by Covid-19. Always Home will screen clients for eligibility. In order to qualify for an application, families must be a current resident of the City of New London, have minor children in custody, and be in one of the following housing crisis situations:
1.Homeless (Already evicted or foreclosed on);
2. Imminently homeless (Renters have been served a Notice to Quit or Homeowners have been served a Summons, Complaint and Mediation Certificate); or
3. At risk of homelessness (Unable to pay a past-due or current rent or mortgage payment which will lead to imminent homelessness.)
Items eligible for assistance will include: Past-due rent or past-due mortgage ; Current rent or mortgage (payment due within 10 calendar days); First month’s rents ; and Security Deposits.
For more information, contact Always Home's Social Worker, Marlynn Benker at mbenker@alwayshome.org or call her (860) 501- 4816.